Computer, Peripherals and network onsite services Contract or non-contract onsite service.. ACC offers onsite service throughout 48 states. Our techs are cell phone or computer dispatched and together with our experienced staff can solve any printer, computer, peripheral or network problems you may have. Key Benefits
CapabilitiesOur experience allows us to service anything from a very old style DOS operating system to the current *Windows operating systems. In addition our staff also services Apple/Mac os 9 or greater. Because of our long history ACC has serviced Novell networks, 10base2 to 1000baseT ethernet, lantastic various peer to peer networks. We also have worked on various hardware and software applications. In addition specifically because of our experience and training we are best suited to design and recommend various network and hardware/software configurations to solve any needs you may have. Service and support for operating systems from DOS to the latest MS Windows configurations
File Server, Remote server, database server design
Printer repair on various color or mono Laser and dot-matrix printers
Apple MAC os 9.0 or better
Service and support Ethernet 10base2, 10baset 10/100/1000, Novell, Lantastic peer to peer NETWORKS
Full custom software programming and network design to give our customers a single source for all of their IT needs
Over the years ACC has worked on networks and peripherals for various industries. From real estate to financial institutions. We have provided database and network design from Airport runway systems to auto parts industries. ACC has always provided a efficient and beneficial system design that provided a major improvement to the current configuration our customers.
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